NEW YORK, May 8, 2017 /PRNewswire/ Recent research from theKids & Family Reading Report: 6th Edition, released by Scholastic, foundthat only half of all parents with children ages 617 (48%) have heard of the "summer slide" the learning loss which can occur over the summer monthswhich could help explain why one in five 1217 year-olds and one in five kids in lower-income families did not read any books at all last summer. To create awareness around the "summer slide" and help children take a "summer leap" with great books, today Scholastic announced the opening of the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge, a free, global, online and mobile summer reading program. Adding even more summer reading fun and enthusiasm, the Scholastic Summer Reading Road Trip will hit the road for its second year, hosting free "pop-up" reading festivals that engage communities in helping kids discover the power and joy of reading.
To learn more about the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge and the Scholastic Summer Reading Road Trip visit:
2017 Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge (May 8September 8, 2017)
Scholastic Summer Reading Road Trip(May 6July 26, 2017)
The RVs will visit major cities and nearby towns throughout the summer.* The list of locations and tour dates includes:
"At Scholastic, we know that summer is a critical time for kids to stay engaged in learning by continuing to read, and we hope that by giving kids choice in what they read and an exciting way to log reading minutes, they will head back to school at the same level, without any decline," said Ellie Berger, EVP and President of Scholastic Trade Publishing. "Through the Scholastic Summer Reading Road Trip, it is our goal to elevate the importance and fun of summer reading by collaborating with booksellers, schools, libraries, and Scholastic authors and illustrators across the country to make summer reading a priority in all communities."
To learn more about Scholastic (SCHL), the Summer Reading Road Trip and the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge, please visit
*Dates and locations for the Summer Reading Road Trip are subject to change.
SOURCE Scholastic Inc.