Kevin S. Garrison was an athletic, artistic and intelligent 16-year-old when he received unexpected news-he had cancer and would lose his right foot. Now 40 years later, he's sharing his life's journey in his unique memoir, "It's Just a Matter of Balance: You Can't Put a Straight Leg on a Crooked Man" (published by iUniverse), which is getting a revived marketing push in 2013. The book details his personal journey of illness that led to a successful professional career in prosthetics.
He hopes to offer guidance to those struggling with similar hardships and show that life can be lived to the fullest by sincerely accepting fate's course. Garrison also aims to help educate people on the challenges those with prosthetics face on a daily basis.
"I hope that in reading my story, I will help others embrace life's challenges and learn to move on," Garrison says. "By getting over their anger and sadness about permanent disability, they will be able to have an actual healthy recovery."
With a forward written by the President for the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists, "It's Just a Matter of Balance" is a landmark book in the field of prosthetic lifestyles, and it is listed as recommended reading by the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists.
"It's Just a Matter of Balance"
By Kevin S. Garrison
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 160 pages | ISBN 9781462062867
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 160 pages | ISBN 9781462062843
E-Book | ISBN 9781462062850
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
After having his right foot amputated due to a battle with cancer as a teenager, Kevin S. Garrison has dedicated his life to becoming an advocate for prosthetics awareness and advancement. He works with the Miami Veterans Administration, to provide prosthetic care for veterans with service-related injuries. He graduated from the UCLA and Northwestern University prosthetics programs, and his works on prosthetics have been published in the scientific field. His private prosthetic practice, in two locations, has successfully provided prosthetic care for the south Florida region for 26 years. He lives with his wife, Catheline, and has five children and four grandchildren. More information can be found at