Shippensburg, PA
Destiny Image is pleased to announce the release of prophetic teachers' and authors', Ken and Jeanne Harrington's empowering book, "Deliverance from Toxic Memories: Weapons to Overcome Destructive Thought Patterns in Your Life."
"Bondage to the past is not God's plan for your present," said Ken Harrington. "You can actually reclaim your memories, and in turn, take your life back."
The Harrington's provide extensive research and relevant Bible teaching empowering readers to experience freedom immediately by:
"Look at it this way," said Jeanne, "When a young elephant is chained up by its trainer, the animal's initial response is to try and escape. Several attempts later, the elephant recognizes that freedom is not possible and accepts the chains as normal. Once this is "learned," the trainer can use a simple rope to hold one of the most powerful animals."
She continued, "And the same thing happens to many people with their minds. They become used to unhealthy patterns of thinking and destructive memories. Sadly, it becomes embraced as "normal life." This is not God's perfect will."
Ken and Jeanne Harrington are prophetic teachers and authors who have ministered healing and hope to people for over 40 years. Their teaching ministry, which includes counseling, writing, and inspirational conferences, has been used on three continents. Through their charitable organization, Treasure Chest Ministries, they assist in equipping churches and training ministries in some of the world's poorest areas. They are currently involved in building a community training center in the Khayelitsha shantytown, Cape Town, South Africa.
Interviews, review copies and giveaway copies are available upon request.
Destiny Image, located in Shippensburg, Pa, was founded in 1983 by Pastor Don Nori, Sr. It seeks to accurately represent authors who have a call to share God's present word to His people and to make these authors easily accessible to the Christian body around the world in every form of media possible.
Kristen Adams
(717) 532-3040, Ext. 135