"Slaves to Freedom" (published by Balboa Press) recounts the turbulent times of antebellum America through a friendship between two women: a black slave and an Irish immigrant. Both travel the Underground Railroad but neither knows the sacrifices that will be asked of them to achieve the freedom they desperately seek.
Author Kathy Tilghman was inspired by her "interest in Irish immigration during the time of the potato famine and what they did once they came to the U.S., as well as slave history."
Through the narrative, Tilghman explores themes revolving around racism, oppression, courage, perseverance and a friendship that transgresses the cultural and racial boundaries established in early American history.
Tilghman hopes her readers will discover "that strong women are still needed today to advance the cause of education for women and that women's improved lives are ultimately for the betterment of society as a whole."
"Slaves to Freedom"
By Kathy Tilghman
Softcover | 5 x 8 in | 284 pages | ISBN 9781504337397
E-Book | 284 pages | ISBN 9781504337403
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Kathy Tilghman began researching "Slaves to Freedom" while writing her book, "A Vision of Freedom: African-Americans and the United States Capitol." She became fascinated with stories of survival on the Underground Railroad, and also with tales of Irish immigration to the United States during the 1850s. She lives in Parkville, Md., and is working on the sequel to "Slaves to Freedom." More information is available at http://www.kathytilghman.com/.
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