Kate Elizebeth Nagel delivers a thought-provoking, unique and emotional perspective into one woman's journey to the root of her addiction, "workaholism." She manifested childhood survival strategies, in the years following the death of her father, into destructive adult behaviors. Working with intense physical and emotional pain, these habits carried her to the edge of her life. Until she realized that if she wanted to live fully, she needed to let go of everything she had created to survive.
She embarked upon a five-year, self-healing journey. She experienced profound, transformative change and culminated it into her memoir, "Untethered" (published by Balboa Press). She offers her story not as a prescriptive for change, but rather to demonstrate the power that exists within each person to achieve work-life balance and live fully with their passions.
Praise for "Untethered":
"Kate's generous transparency about her workaholism - source and symptoms - provides guidance for readers ready to examine their own voracious appetites for performing, approval, perfection, power and/or control... Even if work is not your drug of choice, it is her intention that you'll be encouraged to explore the roots of whatever holds you back from happy."
- Lynn Schoener, Executive Coach
By Kate Elizebeth Nagel
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 234 pages | ISBN 9781504327367
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 234 pages | ISBN 9781504327343
E-Book | 234 pages | ISBN 9781504327350
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Kate Elizebeth Nagel is an author, speaker, certified coach and recovering workaholic. She is a seasoned entrepreneur who has worked extensively with companies of every size and scale. Her coaching practice focuses on "adult" children living with abusive histories, showing them how survival mechanisms can manifest into addictive or codependent behaviors. She speaks on the effects of these behaviors from personal and organizational perspectives. Nagel earned a Bachelor of Arts and an MBA from Baldwin-Wallace University in Berea, Ohio. She is a certified mediator and received her coaching certification from the Hudson Institute in Santa Barbara, California. Nagel's book is also available from her website, which can be visited at kateelizebethnagel.com.
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