"True Tails II from the Dog Park" is a fun and charming collection of short stories, quirky dog facts and top ten lists told from the perspective of two dogs who are best friends, Max and Luther. These are tales only a dog could tell.
"True Tails II from the Dog Park" is available in both print and ebook formats.
Book Details:
"True Tails II from the Dog Park"
By Max & Luther
Publisher: Dog Ear Publishing
Published: July 2015
ISBN: 978-1457540554
Pages: 60
Genre: Children's Book, Pets, Humor
About The Author:
Southern California residents, Kari Sherman and Carey Laubenberg are self-published authors. With the help and guidance from their dogs, Max and Luther, they have written two books in this series: "True Tails from the Dog Park" and its sequel "True Tails II." They are currently working on a third installment which is planned for release in Fall 2016.
For review copies, author interviews, or more information please contact:
Kari Sherman
Email: admin (at) kariandcarey.com
Website: http://www.kariandcarey.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dogparktails
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maxandlutherpublication
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