In their new short story collection "Jaded" (published by AuthorHouse), authors Karen Achille and Philia Anekwe explore the intersection of abuse and self-actualization, delivering a series compelling stories on overcoming heartbreak and soul ache.
"'Jaded' tells the story of various individuals in search of a release from self-hate," explains Anekwe. "Each story seems to stand alone; however, by the end of the book, a narrative fabric is woven, interweaving each character with the other."
Set in Brooklyn, N.Y., the book centers on best friends Diamond Cadave and Venus Freeman. As the two flail under a common plight, their friendship is tested, a riff that ushers in a cacophony of eclectic characters into their lives.
"'Jaded' is different from other books within its genre because it does not focus solely on one character's struggle," says Anekwe. "Instead it reveals how one person's struggle directly affects another. Presenting the idea that no man is an island and with all mankind, struggle is universal."
Achille and Anekwe hope their book will inspire people, particularly those who have been exhausted by cynicism, negativity and derailment.
"Hopefully," adds Anekwe, "through the many stories of struggle, readers will realize that no one person is alone in any battle, and with any battle, you have to fight for victory."
By Karen Achille & Philia Anekwe
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 122 pages | ISBN 9781481713528
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 122 pages | ISBN 9781481713504
E-Book | 122 pages | ISBN 9781481713511
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Karen Achille and Philia Anekwe are currently New York City teachers at Abraham Lincoln High School in Coney Island. They both reside in Brooklyn, N.Y., with their respective families. Their first encounter was in February 2005 in a collaborative team teaching class. Through their teaching, love for writing and compassion for humanity, they were inspired to co-author "Jaded." This is their first published book.
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