"Mrs. Pecora And Her Purple Hat" is the first book in a series that celebrates life, family, and the memories that are created around the dinner table. The series takes Mrs. Pecora and her family through their journey of ordinary days which becomes an extraordinary life and story. The book was inspired by family, traditions, family stories and a drawing made by the author's granddaughter. In the drawing the author's purple hair looks like an eggplant and "Mrs. Pecora And Her Purple Hat" was born.
June Palo is an artist, writer, poet, singer/songwriter and musician. She was born in Brooklyn, New York to parents who encouraged her creativity and individuality. Her grandfather and his brothers were Vaudeville performers and her uncles were musicians and singers. Her father was a writer and comedian and her mother a singer. June was inspired by everyone's talent and grew up in an environment of the arts.
She was singing at age 5, drawing at age 7, writing at age 8 and playing guitar at age 10.
She has a Bachelors and Masters degree. She was an educator for 30 years in art and music. Her love of teaching channeled her talents to encourage her love for the arts to her students.
Boulevard Books is an educational publishing company for the 21st century. Founded by educator and author Avi Gvili in 2010, it aims to bring to the public the voices of the new century.