In their first original short form e-book, renowned Wiley/Jossey-Bass authors Charlene Li and Brian Solis show how to develop a social business strategy that aligns with overall business priorities and objectives.
When most businesses are asked about their social media strategy, many merely list off the areas where they are present: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the like. When strategists attempt to demonstrate success they do so using engagement metrics such as impressions, shares and comments. This becomes it's own language and not in line with the language of the C-Suite. Li and Solis believes that this is why social media is met with skepticism, confusion, and a general lack of internal support.
This book aims to demonstrate the business value of social media and disruptive technology.
Li and Solis define a successful social business strategy as one that is clearly aligned with the strategic business imperatives of the organization. It creates alignment and support throughout the organization that enables businesses and teams to work together to execute on that strategy.
Digital analysts Charlene Li and Brian Solis demonstrate in their new short form e-book: The Seven Success Factors of Social Business Strategy (Jossey-Bass; 978-1-118-71592-5; $3.99; July 2013; e-book) their success factors that will help any business created a clear social business strategy:
1. Define the overall business goals.
2. Establish the long term vision.
3. Ensure executive support.
4. Define the strategy roadmap.
5. Establish governance and guidelines.
6. Secure staff, resources and funding.
7. Invest in technology platforms that evolve.
Businesses have approached social media in an ad hoc fashion for long enough. It's time they get serious about linking those efforts to real value inside and outside the organization. Based on thought leader interviews, comprehensive surveys, and extensive research, The Seven Success Factors of Social Business Strategy, Solis and Li show any business how to define their social strategy, create alignment, across the organization, and use that strategy to support business goals.
In an engaging, approachable, and usable format, The Seven Success Factors illustrates the key elements and best practices as well as common mistakes to avoid to transform any social media program into a full social business strategy.