CHICAGO - It has been over 150 years since the historic Emancipation Proclamation that entitled African-American slaves to their freedom. But were their chains truly broken? In an insightful social critic and historical nonfiction, "Death of A Nation" (published by Xlibris), author Joseph L. Kyle examines the current status of African-Americans in today's so-called Land of the Free.
"Death of A Nation" presents some very raw facts about the negative aspects of racism and the devastating effects it has on individuals, municipalities, states, the nation and the world. It covers a 10-year period in the author's life, presented autobiographically, from 1940 to 1950. The story is based primarily on historical events as reported in the ex Black weekly newspaper, "The Pittsburgh Courier." The news articles are presented as parts of fictionalized dialogue between the author, his young peers and older adult advisors. Most of the fictionalized accounts have some bases in truth but some did not occur in the sequence or to individuals as presented.
"The primary goal of the book is to present true facts about the history of the "disease" based on a false premise of "race" that has caused so much suffering, ignorance and despair over centuries," says Kyle. "There is no concept more blatantly wrong than that of racial superiority and there are no more pitiable fools than those who believe it."
Candid, unflinching and thoroughly illuminating, "Death of A Nation" traces the annals of history to reveal astounding realities about the current struggles of African-Americans in their own country. It is a call for social justice, respect for diversity and advocacy that humanity manifests not in the color of the skin but in the intent of the heart.
"Death of A Nation"
By Joseph L. Kyle
Hardcover | 6x9in | 506 pages | ISBN 9781503559103
Softcover | 6x9in | 506 pages | ISBN 9781503559110
E-Book | 506 pages | ISBN 9781503559127
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Joseph L. Kyle is an Afro-American born in Mississippi in the mid 1930s. He spent his first 14 years of life in the segregated southern United States. During this period, he observed and experienced many of the negative effects of racism on both blacks and whites-intellectually, economically, politically and socially. Despite many obstacles, he was able to gain an education with majors in biology and chemistry and a minor in mathematics. He spent 18 years working as a histologist, clinical chemist and researcher and as a biochemistry researcher. This was followed by a 40-year career as a professor of biological sciences in the City Colleges of Chicago where he was department chairman for his last eight full-time years. In addition to his professional career, he maintains an avid interest in history that compels him to seek the truth about the past by fact checking and rechecking. The facts presented in this book attest to the meticulous research he conducted to write it with a high degree of accuracy.
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