"THE CAUSALITY OF TIME" (published by Trafford Publishing) by author Jonnathan Strawthorne is a story of antiquity forgotten by most people of this twenty first century however the hopes, dreams and aspirations of the characters are no less poignant for today. Has 3,000 years truly changed the nature of man? Have the questions humanity asked through millennia been answered?
This story revolves around a man given the ability to live forever, never get sick or old and regenerate his tissue if damaged. As time moves forward, he witnesses the frailties of men and women with all of their love and hate, selfishness and selflessness and their ability to transcend above the greed and savage violence to actions of benevolence and creative will. The overpowering and continuous struggle for freedom and liberty is at the core of the story. The main character ponders the inconsistencies of mankind and the futility of their lives and actions. All of these happenings are back dropped by alien intelligence and intervention.
This highly engrossing read shows readers the possible result upon the human psyche if a person lived forever and the many experiences this same person witnessed through the years, and the possibility that humanity is not alone in the universe.
By Jonnathan Strawthorne
Hardcover | 6x9 in | 278 pages | ISBN 9781490771106
Softcover | 6x9 in | 278 pages | ISBN 9781490771113
E-Book | 278 pages | ISBN 9781490771090
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Johnnathan Strawthorne has a very active imagination and rapacious curiosity of history, science fiction and technology. He loves writing even though he has neither formal writing education nor experience. He worked in the financial arena for many years and due to the non-creative nature of that industry he thought he would put his hand to the proverbial plow of creative, historical, alternate, science fiction writing. With mountains of frustration but oceans of patience, his wife, with loving kindness in her heart, has diligently encouraged him to move into the authorship realm.
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