Author and former New York City firefighter John Finucane (When The Bronx Burned) has announced the release of his latest novel No Irish Need Apply. A historical portrait of New York City's Hell's Kitchen during the Mid-1800s that chronicles the friendship and struggles of Johnny O'Hara and his best friend Red. They are the children of immigrants who escaped Ireland's Great Hunger (1845-1851). Both orphaned at an early age, Johnny and Red try to survive amidst the poverty, street gangs and the strong anti-Irish Catholic prejudice of the time. Red is a homeless and fearless youngster who deals with the brutality and violence of their environment with fists and wits. The two close friends are members of an all-immigrant fire company that is despised by surrounding fire companies that are manned by American-born men. Unwittingly, both groups are also victims of the greedy elites who thrive on working class division; keeping immigrants and native Americans divided. Finucane's new book explores the transition from a volunteer fire department to a professional fire department. No Irish Need Apply is also an inspirational love story that reveals the blood, sweat and passions of the Irish immigrants who help build New York City.
No Irish Need Apply will be released on May 21, 2015. Available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and most online retail bookstores.
John Finucane began his writing career as a journalist reporting extensively on British colonialism in Northern Ireland. He wrote for and published the monthly American Irish Newsletter from 1975 to 2000. He is the author of When the Bronx Burned and The Usual, two compelling narratives-one fiction and one non-fiction-about the destruction-by-arson of large sections of New York City during the 1960s and 1970s. As a firefighter, Finucane witnessed firsthand the burning of the Bronx, which drove hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. In his writings, Finucane always weaves in a heart-tugging romance within the midst of all the chaos and poverty. This is well exemplified in his 2013 novel, Tomorrow, Mickey, Tomorrow.
John served in the FDNY during its most turbulent period, 1967-1988, including service in the South Bronx. He was promoted to Lieutenant in 1980. From 2002 to 2005, John led the successful campaign to make certain that all the first responders who gave their lives on 911 were properly acknowledged as first responders on the 911 Memorial.