ATLANTA, March 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ As Americans prepare for a new president, there is much scrutiny and criticism surrounding the candidates while they and citizens alike debate over who is the best and most effective leader for the job. In a time of political debate and uncertainty, John Addison, former Co-Chief Executive Officer of Primerica, current Leadership Editor of SUCCESSmagazine and renowned leadership and empowerment speaker, admits that leadership is the scarcest resourceand not just for the upcoming election, but also in the workplace and life.
To combat this scarcityespecially at a time where leadership is needed more than everAddison has launched a new book to help others lead more effectively: Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose (McGraw Hill, March 8, 2016, ISBN: 978-1594632167). Diving into nine practices that will foster leadership and enduring results, Addison shares how leaders at any level can make a positive impact on others. His expert insight has received praise from top influencers across the country, including Dr. Denis Waitley, author of The Psychology of Success, who calls Real Leadership "a leadership book that only surfaces once in every decade."
Featuring a personal account of the hard-won lessons gathered from his more than 30 years of professional experience, Addison reveals how a small-town southern boy became one of the most influential co-CEOs at Primerica. During his tenure, as co-CEO, from 1999 to 2015, Addison led the organization through monumental changes, including rapid growth in the early 2000s and the financial crisis of 2008. Despite tremendous obstacles, the humble leader even orchestrated the company's separation from Citigroup, resulting in one of the most successful IPOs of the decade.
In Real Leadership, Addison offers honest takeaways from his experiences that can help anyone grow as a leader and influence others at a time when they need it most. Readers will discover the following lessons through the book's nine practices:
"We're so thrilled to be publishing John's book. Not only does he tell the truly spellbinding story of how he successfully navigated Primerica through turbulent times, but he takes his message to the next level by sharing hard-won leadership lessons that anyone, regardless of experience, could use to handle whatever crisis they face," said Donya Dickerson, Editorial Director of the Business Group at McGraw-Hill Professional. "It is this focus on teaching others how to lead that makes John one of the most inspirational voices in business today."
Combining lessons from the role models who have inspired Addison mostfrom his own mother to legendary figures such as Winston Churchillwhile weaving together his story of becoming a true leader both in the workplace and in his personal life, Real Leadership inspires, builds and shapes readers on their own journey to lead and live with purpose.
"True leaders inspire others to lead. John Addison is that kind of leader, inspiring the next generation of leaders using ageless wisdom, modern examples, and practical tools. Positive leadership is practiced, not inherited. And Real Leadership lights the way."
- SHAWN ACHOR, New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage
"John Addison has given the world a real first with Real Leadershipat a time when the world needs it most. I guarantee that his book will be a real wake-up call for you to follow his advice and 'get up every day and aim to be a little better than you were yesterday.'"
- HARVEY MACKAY, author of New York Times #1 bestseller
Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
"John lives and breathes Real Leadership. I'm proud to say I witnessed the stories and practices in this book firsthand. He led, he fought and he served our team. Primerica wouldn't be the company it is today without his leadership. Follow John's simple practices to impact your team and produce REAL results."
- GLENN WILLIAMS, CEO of Primerica
About the Author
John Addison is the president and chief executive officer of Addison Leadership Group, as well as the Leadership Editor of SUCCESS magazine. During his more than 30-year tenure at Primerica Inc., he rose in management and served as co-chief executive officer from 1999 to 2015. Addison was critical in steering the company through many changes, including Primerica's separation from Citigroup in 2010, which resulted in one of the most successful IPOs of the decade.A world-class speaker, Addison shares his business acumen and leadership insights through speaking engagements, consulting opportunities, and new book, Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading and Living with Purpose(McGraw-Hill; March 2016). To learn more about John Addison, visit or follow him on Twitter: @JohnAddisonGA or Facebook: JohnAddisonLeadership.
$25.00 ISBN: 978-1-259-58444-2
Media Inquiries:
Rachel Albert
Krupp Kommunications
Marta Jonca
Krupp Kommunications
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SOURCE Addison Leadership Group