The story of two extraordinary creatures unfolds in the 2013 fantasy fiction by Joe H. Sherman, "The Bloodline Chronicles: Vol. 1" (published by Trafford Publishing).
This year, Sherman is positioning his book for greater market visibility with the development of a professional website and an online radio interview about the book.
"The Bloodline Chronicles" features two characters named Sorram and Taurwin. They are "were-brothers," anthropomorphic creatures created for the military to be used as weapons. The two brothers find themselves in the medieval era on Earth, and it's anything but familiar. They must work together to blend in and be accepted by society.
Their attempts to hide their strange abilities often lead to awkward and sometimes humorous situations, but there may be more disastrous consequences if they can't hide their more violent and dangerous sides and avoid the ones that gave them their special abilities.
"I believe the book has a good balance between humor, tragedy and violence," Sherman says. "The reader will love the main characters for their innocence and good nature, despite what they are. I try to give glimpses of their darker side as they keep it hidden from those they befriend."
"The Bloodline Chronicles"
By Joe H. Sherman
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 340 pages | ISBN 9781466993501
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 340 pages | ISBN 9781466993518
E-Book | 340 pages | ISBN 9781466993495
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Joe H. Sherman has worked most of his adult life in the machine trades for various manufacturers, mainly Goodrich. He is ranked orange belt in the martial arts aikido and judo, a devoted supporter of the National Rifle Association and a United Automobile Workers union member. He spends all his free time with his family and lovely wife, enjoying the outdoors, whether it be fishing, hunting or just exploring the backwoods in West Virginia. He has several dogs, two children - one age 15, the other 17 - and lives in rural Ohio, five miles north of a small village called Covington.
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