In "Little Sister" (published by Balboa Press), Joan Westerman's new novel, readers follow a young girl's development from a scared and lonely child in an emotionally abusive and neglectful household into a woman living a rich and fulfilling life.
Jess was born into an Australian family in the late 1940s. She had two older sisters and a brother until she was eight, when another brother was born. Her mother, May, was also the youngest sibling in a matriarchal family. May always did as she was told and was the dutiful daughter and wife, but resentment built up in her life. She often unknowingly took out her frustrations on her children.
Jess spent her lonely childhood in a dysfunctional household, with the only relief being her vivid imagination and a love of the sea. Her sisters teased her and called her the baby, but Jess knew she had something quite special: her world of words. Without the words and the sea, Jess may not have come through life, but her adult world reflects her strength and determination.
"'Little Sister' portrays the universal theme of survival despite the odds," explains Westerman. "It highlights how emotional abuse can be as damaging as physical abuse."
"Little Sister" is a story of one woman's journey and survival, despite the emotional vacuum that surrounded her early years.
"Little Sister"
By Joan Westerman
Softcover | 5 x 8 in | 254 pages | ISBN 9781452509679
E-Book | 254 pages | ISBN 9781452509686
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Joan Westerman was born in Newcastle, Australia, and she grew up in the post-WWII era. Her childhood was spent as the youngest of four siblings, until her brother arrived when the family moved to Sydney. The sea dominated her life, and has always had a strong connection to seafaring folk within the family.
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