In her stirring new novel, "The Triumphant Life - A Story of Love and Courage" (published by Xlibris), author Jin-Chen Camilla Wang tells the life story of a girl growing up in Taiwan after escaping from the crippling grasp of communist China.
Readers follow Nan, as she and her family fled from Communist China to Taiwan through a perilous journey led by her mother. There, she grew up in a meager yet nurturing environment. After college, she came to Cornell University for graduate studies. Her subsequent experience and close relationships with a group of five all-male fellow graduate students took her through an unexpected path that led to multiple tribulations. She fell in love with one who could only reciprocate her love in his heart but not in his action. She married another, yet their blissful life together was again mercilessly challenged. The brilliance of their minds was not able to protect them from human tragedies. Throughout, diverse social issues and human emotions were exposed and explored.
Spanning more than forty years and over two continents, "The Triumphant Life - A Story of Love and Courage" is a novel set in the historical background of the latter part of the twentieth century. Eloquently written and meticulously crafted, the various story lines are weaved together into one interconnected whole. It is a triumphant account of unrelenting love and friendship.
"The Triumphant Life"
By Jin-Chen Camilla Wang
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 276 pages | ISBN 9781503560413
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 276 pages | ISBN 9781503560420
E-Book | 276 pages | ISBN 9781503560437
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jin-Chen Camilla Wang has an MD degree from National Taiwan University and an MS degree from Purdue University. She is board certified in pediatrics, clinical genetics and clinical cytogenetics. Her postdoctoral training includes Cornell University (biochemistry, molecular and cell biology) and Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School (genetics).
Dr. Wang has published many scientific articles and authored two chapters in a genetics reference book. Recently retired from a fulfilling first career in genetics, she is finally free to pursue her first love of creative writing.
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