"The Promises of God": a remarkable and stimulating book of meditations of bible scripture focusing on reflection. "The Promises of God" is the creation of published author, Jill Rath, who has a passion for photography and who's love for the Word of God is the impetus for creating books of inspiration. Since college, where she studied photography, and through the years of attending to family and career, she has continued to follow her dream of combining her photography with her writing. She has traveled throughout the United States and abroad, capturing the magnificence of God's creation. In her books, you can see the world through the lens of her Christian values, the inspiration for her works.
Jill believes that "The Promises of God is the ship that protects you from being tossed back and forth by the waves of life and blown here and there. You will know that God has made provisions for you at every step of your life. He has provided for your every need in every situation. Nothing takes God by surprise! Harness the power that He has provided for you. Set yourself apart from a world of chaos, calamity, and fear. Find stability, strength, courage, and confidence of soul. Find it in The Promises of God".
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Jill Rath's new book brings God's word to life through visual enhancement.
Hold on tight, and never let go. Stand firm in the truth and put on the full armor of God.
In a world of turmoil, change, grief, anxiety, and unpredictability, it is only God's eternal and everlasting promises that can provide encouragement and tranquility of soul. His word never changes, and His promises never fail. Knowing one's destiny in life begins with understanding all that God has promised for us in Christ. Magnificent and inspiring photographs add dimension for meditation.
View a synopsis of "The Promises of God" on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase "The Promises of God" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "The Promises of God", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.