In her new memoir, "My Side of the Story" (published by Archway Publishing), 20-year-old author Jessica D. Stafford details her battle with cancer, after being diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 7.
Stafford wrote her book to offer encouragement to anyone who is battling cancer or having hard times in his or her life. Her stories show the strength and support she received as a child receiving treatment and portray the ways cancer affected her life and the lives of her family members and friends.
"Having cancer is a hard battle to fight, but with God by my side, I lived to tell the world that God is real and there is no trouble or trial that is too big for him," Stafford says.
Stafford wants her readers to glean an understanding that even if someone has cancer or another medical condition, he or she can still have a happy ending - even if it takes that person longer to achieve his or her goals.
An excerpt from "My Side of the Story":
"Cancer is a horrible, heinous disease. Throughout my life I have not only watched many friends and loved ones suffer through the harsh battle of cancer, but I have also battled it myself. I consider myself lucky-or maybe that's not the right word to use. You see, it's not by luck that my life was spared, but by the will of God. My name is Jessica Stafford, and my battle isn't over yet."
"My Side of the Story"
By Jessica D. Stafford
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 110 pages | ISBN 9781480815414
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 110 pages | ISBN 9781480815421
E-Book | 110 pages | ISBN 9781480815438
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jessica D. Stafford is a student at a local community college where she is earning a degree in history. She is 20 years old and lives in Spring Hill, Tennessee, with her family. She enjoys reading, writing and spending time with her dog, Harley.
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