"Twinkle and Friends in Outer Space: And the Stars of the Universe" (published by AuthorHouse) takes a unique approach on teaching children about hope and pursuing goals. The series follows a group of stars in outer space who learn life lessons from each other.
Twinkle is the main star in "Twinkle and Friends in Outer Space." Orange Blossom, Violent Violet, Big Bad Blue, Sweet Red and Boy Green accompany Twinkle on adventures across the universe. This book is the first in its series and gives children lessons of hope and inspiration to pursue their goals as they age. The story is based off of the Star of Bethlehem. It explores questions like, "Where did it come from," "How did it develop," and "Why did our creator pick this particular star?"
Jerry E. Juergens and his wife hold book readings often and provide a unique experience for their young audience. While his wife reads the book, Juergens gives out signed drawings of the characters in his books and encourages his young readers to color them.
"I am not aware of any other book that lets children learn where stars came from," says Juergens. "It is an enjoyable, clean, colorful, wholesome and original story that will fascinate and teach children."
"Twinkle and Friends in Outer Space"
By Jerry E. Juergens
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5 in | 48 pages | ISBN 9781425902537
E-Book | 48 pages | ISBN 9781468592344
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jerry Juergens was born in Huntington, Ind. He and his twin brother, George, both became Eagle Scouts, the highest honor in The Boy Scouts of America. Before retiring, Juergens designed and built homes for over 12 years and worked at the family-owned Juergens Hardware. On top of writing, Juergens is also an artist and features in art shows in Florida and Indiana. He has been married for 47 years and has two sons, Perry and Curt, to which this book is dedicated.
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