Bible Basics for Babes in Christ by Jenell Sanford is a fun, new, interactive book that will take readers through the Bible from A to Z. This volume can be used in a personal or group setting. There are 26 starting points and each is just as appropriate as the next. Readers will meet new people, see exciting places and explore different things from Adam to Zerrubbabel, Asia to Zoar and Altar to Zap in one big book of fun, simplicity and truth.
This volume aims to increase readers' Bible knowledge as they uncover cool facts that help them develop a great relationship with the author of the book - God. This narrative is for beginners, lay people and those versed in the Word. It is non-intimidating and yet still challenging for young and old alike. It is filled with a "Did You Know..." section for each letter of the alphabet uncovering little known or unknown pieces of information in the Bible. It is a must have for the Bible beginner, a refresher for the Bible intermediate and an easy to use companion for any clergy. It is a Bible guide and/or Bible study/workbook that is appealing to beginners and intermediates. It also offers fun facts, trivia, scripture challenges and simple applications, which can be taken part of in a group or personal setting.
With the many troubles that are happening in the world, people are looking for simple answers. Sometimes, the Bible and God are made to be so complicated until they do not seem relevant, but both are touchable and easily understood with the right tools. Bible Basics for Babes in Christ offers an enjoyable, fun-filled experience with God. This book is a combination of a fact book, a trivia book, a devotional, and a workbook/curriculum book. It has a little bit of everything for everyone.
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About the Author
Jenell Sanford is a freelance writer as well as a professor and library assistant at a Bible-based college in Virginia. She holds degrees from Ohio University in journalism and communications and is a graduate of Biblical Studies. She has a heart for "babes" in the faith and is founder of Touching the Word Ministries, with its mission to teach the Good News of Jesus Christ with fun, simplicity, and truth.
Bible Basics for Babes in Christ* by Jenell Sanford
Publication Date: 7/23/2013
Trade Paperback; $18.99; 614 pages; 978-1-4836-6334-0
Trade Hardback; $26.99; 614 pages; 978-1-4836-6335-7
eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4836-6336-4
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