RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif., Aug. 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ Many people working in high stress related jobs and careers are finding that achieving life balance is difficult. Accomplishing goals and building strong interpersonal relationships including one's love life can be a challenge. Author Jay Payne has studied, researched, explored and developed concepts and tools that can help one attain and maintain a balanced life.
Through an approach that is not medical, scientific, or metaphysical, the author came to realize there are three distinct parts or facets to everyone's personality. He termed these facets, "Me, Myself & I." These facets reside within everyone's personality. However, one facet is typically more dominant than the other two. Payne calls that an individual's personality type. Additionally, we are made of body, mind, and spirit. He calls these the core facets and one of these facets typically is more vital than the other two for a person to function and operate at their very best. This is our core type. To have a balanced life, one must first identify, know and understand your core type and personality type.
In Guard Your Core: 17 Life Lessons on Me, Myself & I, readers will learn:
What their core type is
"Business/career goals and interpersonal relationships are related, but they are not the same. You may have heard the adage: a public success, but a private failure. That is a powerful statement that distinguishes the differences but also emphasizes the important connection between core type and personality type. In the end, we all want both public and private success for a well-balanced life," says Jay Payne, author of Guard Your Core: 17 Life Lessons on Me, Myself & I.
About the Author:
Jay Payne was once a full-time, single parent of three children who are now adults, one of whom is deceased. During his second round battle and God-given victory over a brain tumor, it became necessary for an extended career break to focus on healing. This break created the time and space to write full-time and completion of this book. He spent his final manufacturing years as a Director of Quality. Jay is a graduate of Purdue University and is a Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/QE) with the American Society for Quality. He has also served in various capacities of the clergy for more than 25 years. Jay resides in the South Bay area of Southern California with his lovely wife, Tatiana.
About the Book:
Guard Your Core: 17 Life Lessons on Me, Myself & I provides a succinctly engaging yet revelatory roadmap for improving life balance.
"If you want to learn more about yourself, then Guard Your Core: 17 Life Lessons is the book for you. You will be surprised that the person you thought you were is not the person everyone sees." Amazon.com Reviewer
Your core type and personality type dictate what and who you are. Your core is made up of mind, body and spirit (emotions). One of these out weights the other two facets for you to operate and function at your very best. That is your core type and it must be guarded. Your personality is made up of Me, Myself & I. One of these facets dominates over the other two. That is your personality type. Your personality type must be resisted to maintain balance within interpersonal relationships. This book will help you attain life balance and gain a positive edge in dating, marriage, getting along with coworkers, employers and beyond as you start seeing and understanding people through their core and personality types. This book is a quick-read journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Softcover: ISBN 978-099671629-1 $14.95
Hardcover: ISBN 978-099766222-1 $24.95
E-book: ISBN 978-099766227-6 $ 2.99
Available at www.knowledgepowerbooks.com, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com
Media copies and media Interviews:
For a review copy of Guard Your Core: 17 Life Lessons on Me, Myself & I or an interview with Jay Payne, please contact email, 661-513-0308, Cell: 661-621-4419. When requesting a review copy, please provide a street address. If you would like to receive this information as a Word document, please let us know.
For bulk orders, please contact Tiffany Hope, 661-513-0308, Email
SOURCE Jay Payne