Janie McCorkle, a medium for the Holy Trinity whose gifts are shared the world over, has completed the new book "Transition - There is no Death!": a story that begins in grief but ultimately attempts to bring peace into the lives of all.
"The night my mother died in 1957 - when I was five years old - I knew what it meant to see my life flash before me quickly," McCorkle explains of her background. "I grew up with no love and was abused by relatives, who reminded me many times that I was a mistake and not wanted. So, I went within for comfort and would always pray to Jesus and God. Unknown to me, I was developing my psychic gifts and becoming stronger."
Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Janie McCorkle's personal tale picks up where her mother's life, and time as a clairvoyant, left off. In the years of her childhood and into adulthood, Janie worked toward achieving a more harmonious spiritual arrangement with herself as the medium between this world and the eternal.
Janie concludes, "My life changed on Monday, August 16th, 2004 at 9:00 p.m. Three beings of light showed up, the Holy Trinity, for over two hours and gave me more metaphysical gifts and some of the divine light that I now use to help people all over the United States."
Readers who wish to experience this uplifting work can purchase"Transition - There is no Death!" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.
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