In Janet L. Furst's debut novel, "Everyday Truth of a Rainbow Woman" (published by Balboa Press), a mother explores her feelings of fear and love, the preciousness and tension in her relationship with her husband, and her place within the cultural traditions of Appalachia through emails to her daughter. The protagonist, Grace, writes of everyday happenings as well as happenings in the past lives of herself and her family. Resolution comes in a way that she does not anticipate.
Furst says her inspiration to write came from: "My love of books, especially women's literature, and, most of all, a compelling desire/need to express myself."
A quest for inner and outer peace, "Everyday Truth of a Rainbow Woman" chronicles a family's life and the exploration of the possible past-life stories that Grace creates. Her writing is a catalyst for self-discovery and liberation.
Through her work, Furst trusts her readers will take away "Courage, wisdom, and peace."
An excerpt from "Everyday Truth of a Rainbow Woman":
Now that I look back on my life and have recreated a spiritual connection to Kuan Yin, I believe that God sent me a dragon to let me know that I would have to ride a dragon in this lifetime. I feel that as a little girl, my sensing of the dragon was an important message for me, and I am most grateful. I would have to conquer my fear of the dragon in order to take the ride. The ride of my life.
"Everyday Truth of a Rainbow Woman"
By Janet L. Furst
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 298 pages | ISBN 9781504347075
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 298 pages | ISBN 9781504347068
E-Book | 298 pages | ISBN 9781504347082
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Janet L. Furst is a mother and grandmother who lives in northern New Mexico and writes for self-understanding. This is her first book.
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