"Lost Lands of OZ" begins a series of new and exciting adventure books exploring the mysterious land of OZ which was originally created by L. Frank Baum in the early 1900s with the "Wizard of Oz" and 13 others authored by him.
edu•characters has created a fabulously unique map of the contemporary OZ and the first book in the series, "The Rain King is Missing," is an original story based on the amazing geography, the magical places, fascinating characters and unbelievable things that Baum created in his timeless books.
Readers are introduced to the beautiful fairy princess, Ozma, who is the real ruler of OZ. Although only 16 years old, Ozma is the most omniscient and omnipotent in all of OZ. She fairly rules over the land of OZ with Glinda, the good witch. However, today evil clouds hang over Emerald City. Wicked forces in the Outer Lands of OZ are trying to take control of the magical kingdom by capturing the Rain King.
Children (ages 7-14) can now explore the magical lands and meet new characters as they journey with the story's search party. With OZ maps, they will discover clues, learn problem solving and important life lessons along the way. "The Rain King is Missing" will challenge their minds and open up their imagination.
The dangers are everywhere and time is critical. WARNING: Imagination required.
If you can sound it,
you can say it.
If you can say it,
you can read it.
If you can read it,
You can believe it.
edu•characters' objective is to integrate life lessons (Oz Treasures) in a way that young people will appreciate and assimilate, and so that they will become more caring and responsible adults.
edu•characters believe that education and entertainment for children without character development is hollow.
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About the Author
Janet Kelly, Ph.D. is an educator and writer of children's books. She has authored more than 50 publications, conducted many educational workshops, and given numerous presentations nationally and internationally. A former university professor and past Director of the Institute of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, she is on emeritus faculty at Texas Christian University. She resides on a ranch near Fort Worth, Texas.
Lost Lands of OZ * by Dr. Janet Kelly
The Rain King is Missing
Publication Date: July 17, 2013
Trade Paperback; $12.99; 105 pages; 978-1-4836-4162-1
Trade Hardback; $15.99; 105 pages; 978-1-4836-4163-8
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