"The Finished Mystery II" follows the lives of Ally and Dave, two carefree teenagers who are born into families with no strict religious affiliations. Ally is a 16 year old gymnast with Olympic aspirations and Dave is a 17 year old football player who is madly in love with her. Their romance is cruelly interrupted when Dave, who has temporarily moved to Dubai with his family, is abducted by Islamic terrorists during a family road trip through Saudi Arabia and is taken hostage with them. Thus begins an initiative by Ally to secure their release and at the same time understand the justification extremists maintain for committing cruel acts against those who are not their enemy. In part two, Ibrahim, an Islamic operative belonging to al Qaeda is led to examine his faith after feeling compassion for Dave and his family whose lives have been threatened by his group. Against Islamic tradition he searches for the truth in what he is doing and discovers that there is more to showing true love and loyalty than what he is being taught.
Though fictional, the author hopes that the book's exploration of faith versus reality will engage some readers into continuing on with their own personal search for truth. The Bible's enduring power is well described within its own pages as being "alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword." It is mankind's oldest book and despite all the criticism that has been heaped upon it by skeptics and the misrepresentations it has suffered from many churches, its accurate foretelling of events assures readers that a bright future is destined for earth.
"The Finished Mystery II"
By James Hunta
Hardcover | 6x9in | 454 pages | ISBN 9781524562151
Softcover | 6x9in | 454 pages | ISBN 9781524562144
E-Book | 454 pages | ISBN 9781524562137
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
James Hunta was born and raised in Sydney, where, besides learning a trade, he studied acting, often appearing in films, television dramas and commercials. After marrying and living in the U.S. for around seven years, he came back to Australia and raised a family, finally settling on the Gold Coast in Queensland.
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