Imagine yourself collapsing while doing something as simple as vacuuming. Heavy metals and other dangerous toxins can quietly damage a person's health when absorbed through the skin, the air that we breathe and numerous other origins. It can accumulate in our bodies and cause permanent damage to the brain and several other systems.
InDetermined to Detoxify, author James Bunetta recounts the decline of his own health due to his exposure to heavy metal toxins. This short seventy page book documents many toxin related issues, including James' detoxification process as he was going through it and how people can likely prevent toxins from wreaking havoc in their own lives.
About the Author: James Bunetta suffers daily from the effects of excessive toxins in his body and brain. He continues to experience positive improvements in the two years since his initial detoxification. He has lived with various toxin caused neurological issues for numerous years and he is devoted to warning people of the possible outcome of a toxic overload.
For interviews please contact:
James S. Bunetta
559-903-4681 heavily slurred speech (Blog)
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SOURCE James S. Bunetta