"Leoj's Wrath" is an imaginative science fiction story with unique and fascinating characters on a righteous quest against an evil and ancient being. "Leoj's Wrath" is the creation of published author, J.E. Strong, an outdoor enthusiast with a B.A. in speech-language pathology.
Growing up in a deeply Christian and fantasy-loving family, J.E. Strong was familiar with biblical history as well as fantasy folklore. He says, "When I began to find Christian parallels in my fantasy books, I saw a potential mode of bringing the essence of my beliefs to a greater audience."
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, J.E. Strong's new book begins with the defeat of evil Corlac, and Leoj and Hope stumble upon a desert kingdom filled with debauchery and evil. Accompanied by Leoj's cousins, a chiropractic troll, and a contumacious assassin that can't die, Leoj and Hope journey to many unique areas in hopes of finding a way to alleviate Leoj from the Victim's Rage and defeat an ancient being that is destruction incarnate.
View a synopsis of "Leoj's Wrath" on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase "Leoj's Wrath" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "Leoj's Wrath", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.