Author Isabelle Torroella has always believed that dreams can be of great use to humankind. This is why she has endeavored to create her new book "Dare Asking Your Dreams for Answers" (published by Trafford Publishing) as a way to show the world her studies on the subject.
"Dare Asking Your Dreams for Answers" is a text book describing how to dream at will in order to find information not available to the conscious mind. It shows how solicited dreams allows one to find the cause of problems and help find the best possible solutions to any topic be it health, ethics, crimes, evaluations of beliefs and emotions, jobs or relationships.
Most of the material is predominantly the experiences of the author. It also includes dreams about other people and the dreams incubated by other individuals that help give further insights into the dream world.
"Dare Asking Your Dreams for Answers"
By Isabelle Torroella
Softcover | 8.25x10.75in | 384pages | ISBN 9781412023856
E-Book | 384pages | ISBN 9781412222211
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Isabelle Torroella wants to promote the use of clairvoyance, creative imagination and individual thinking. She learned her method of dream incubation through reading many theories on the subject, attending classes and dream groups. For 20 years she dreamt on demand daily to explore the validity of alternative healing systems, to find information about crime and many other themes of interest. She studied law and worked as a designer for a couture house in Paris, France.
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