Despite the seeming best efforts of generations, poverty, famine and war persist in the world. One has only to turn on the nightly news or read the headlines to know this is true. In her new book "Laughter & Tears: Johanna's Story" (published by Trafford Publishing), debut author Irene Powell presents the inspiring story of her friend Johanna, who survived the German occupation of Holland during World War II.
"Johanna was a real down-to-earth person," Powell writes, "With no special attributes other than a strong determination to live life to the fullest, no matter what life dealt to her and to help and care for others." The narrative reveals a woman who did just those things, helping others and making herself an example for anyone who wishes to live a life of value.
An excerpt from "Laughter & Tears":
"We planned to knock on just one final door and then if that failed find somewhere sheltered, perhaps beneath a tree, where we could curl up for the night. It was now nearly eight o'clock and we had been walking for thirteen hours. Esther knocked on yet another farm door and it was opened by a kindly looking lady who needed no explanation of our plight. She welcomed us immediately into her home."
Though Johanna died in 2011, just before her 85th birthday, her legacy and her memory live on in the people she helped, the friends she made and the lives she changed.
"Laughter & Tears"
By Irene Powell
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 282 pages | ISBN 9781412094238
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Irene Powell was born in Liverpool and has been married for 43 years. She and her husband, Alan, live in Formby, in the northwest of England. They have three grown sons and two granddaughters. Johann was Powell's friend for 20 years, and her death in 2011 left a huge gap in Powell's life.
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