For those who are left hanging with the first book, they should fret no more because the thrilling mystery and British humor of The Skein continues in this exciting sequel that will keep readers at the edge of their seat. Author Elizabeth Schaeffer is back with her riveting fictional series of suspense, wit and romance with The Renaissance of the Skein.
In this book, the plot gets even darker and the action continues to heighten. As this thrilling saga continues, more mystery and suspense await readers. New and even more fascinating characters are here to join in this complex plot. Accompany the strong-willed Lady Ann, who ends up a survivor after going through all the trials and challenges in the first book, as she recovers the ancient mystery of the Skein.
Readers will witness again the constant struggle between good and evil and the choices people make that can dangerously tilt that balance into destruction. Never-ending intrigue and mystery surround the pages of The Renaissance of the Skein.
This book is available online and can be purchased at and
"A murder mystery with intriguing supernatural elements." Kirkus Review
"Strong characters and humor carry the plot which quickly becomes as convoluted as one of Ann's skeins." Clarion Review
About the Author
Elizabeth Schaeffer has written both professionally and for the pleasure of it. This has taken many forms, from professional papers on medieval art to a newspaper series on wildflowers and weeds. Her Master's thesis was accepted into the J.P. Morgan Library Collection on Medieval Art. She has written Dandelion, Pokeweed, and Goosefoot, a book on the plants brought to this country by the early settlers, as well as the plants found here and used for food, medicine, and household uses. The Skein is her first fiction novel. The Renaissance of the Skein is a stand-alone sequel that continues the action of The Skein, and enlarges on the themes of mystery and suspense.
The Renaissance of the Skein by Elizabeth Schaeffer
Publication Date: November 8, 2012
Paperback: $19.11; 326 pages; ISBN 9781466947962
To request a complimentary paperback review copy, please contact Raffi Anderson at (877) 207-1679 or Email.
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SOURCE BookWhirl