CLEVELAND, OH - Thursday, September 18 will mark the first International Read an eBook Day, an annual holiday to celebrate and raise awareness for reading on digital devices. In recent years, the popularity of eBooks has soared, with 28 percent of adults aged 18 and older reading at least one eBook in 2013, according to Pew Research. Readers can access eBooks on any mobile device, computer or tablet, anytime, anywhere.
Readers around the world are encouraged to take part in the largest digital reading event by choosing from millions of free eBooks from their local library or purchasing an eBook from a retailer online. Throughout September 18, OverDrive will be celebrating the holiday by giving away tablets and devices every hour on and through social media to readers who tell their story of what eBooks mean to them. Readers can use the hashtag #eBookDay on Facebook or Twitter to tell their story, or comment directly at
eBooks have proven to be a convenient, beneficial complement to traditional, physical books. When physical books are not available or practical such as when you'd like to carry many at once, or if you can't make it to a store or library eBooks offer a great alternative for instant access to reading. Also, studies have shown that the adjustable text size, lighting options, and anonymity of eBooks are particularly beneficial for those with limited visibility and reluctant readers.
To participate in the fun or learn how to get started, visit