Talented, enigmatic, Indian-Canadian tycoon Dr. Sanat Roy is at death's door after helping a Canadian woman named Helen from being gang-raped by a motorcycle gang. Helen is also injured badly. Three days later, they disappear without a trace. Thus, Susil C. Acharyya's A Man of Two Countries begins, slowly but surely coloring in the details of the strange, brilliant tapestry of Sanat Roy's private life. What led him to abandon a company he had built up two years past and to be linked in violent circumstances to Helen, a strange woman, when he has a proper wife and family?
Dr. Sanat Roy is the scion of a wealthy Calcutta family. He was last in the public eye about two years ago, when he suddenly gave the company he founded to a successful North American technology company. Dipak, his younger brother, must find the clues that will lead to Sanat. Fearing for a brother whom he knows everyone loves, he will have to make do on what he knows of his brother. A few important details surface after a vigorous investigation by reporters on the private life of Sanat. There are things that a man would hide from his brother.
It has been confirmed that Dr. Sanat Roy is the famous bestselling novelist "Loner," a nom-de-plume. He has also established, expanded, and supported by himself an ashram in Delhi for young, helpless girls to stand on their own feet. He supports two orphanages in Calcutta. He then donated large sums of money to medical research in Canadian hospitals. People are surprised when the facts come out: how this man, without any work, was getting over a million dollars for philanthropy alone.
Who is the puzzle that is Sanat Roy? That is what Dipak and the readers of this book must find out. His life becomes an absorbing puzzle, his motives for wanting to be well thought of by people even more so. What motivated and motivates him? And, most importantly, where is he and what is he doing after the controversial incident he was involved in with a woman who is not his wife?
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About the Author
Born in Bengal, India, Susil C. Acharyya was schooled mostly in Calcutta. He graduated in electrical engineering from Jadavpur University in Calcutta. He won merit scholarships throughout his academic career. He went to Bombay Tata Hydro as a special trainee, selected by the government of India. After the training, he won the Parkinson Commonwealth Bursary, one such scholarship being awarded each year by an all-India competition to go to England for special technical training. After completing the terms of Bursary, he proceeded to do research, financed by the engineering department, to complete his PhD (doctorate) degree from Manchester University in electrical engineering. In England, he continued reading novels written by various writers. He developed a desire to write fiction. He has worked in Montreal and, during this perios, published technical papers in journals and traveled coast to coast in Canada. He has been to Japan, Hong Kong, and Europe. He has worked for RCA, AECL, Nortel and has won a number of career awards. Once his two daughters finished university studies, this author retired from working and devotes his time to writing literature.
A Man Of Two Countries * by Susil C. Acharyya
Publication Date: April 17, 2013
Trade Paperback; $23.99; 625 pages; 978-1-4797-0934-2
Trade Hardback; $ 34.99; 625 pages; 978-1-4797-0935-9
eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4797-0936-6
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