Married to a loving and devoted husband named Adam, blessed with four children named Sami, Solomon, Sabrina and Sara, Naila is living the life of a professional woman and loves it. Life is made more fun and interesting with her friends, who are like her. They are all devout Muslims but are well-assimilated into British culture, the city of London playing a genial and welcoming host. Naila was a teenage wife and their marriage had been arranged. In Into the Light from the Darkness, Ali shows the many phases and details of Muslim life as seldom seen in the West. It is a compelling, eye-opening revelation and shows, in its entirety, how life is a complete sacrament for them.
In the first part of her engaging narrative, author Nazia Ali paints a perfect family picture of normal people used to the routine of middle class life. Months before a trip to the United States, the entire family are excitedly preparing for it. They are to spend Ramadan with Naila's parents and her siblings in Texas. Months later, Naila visits their old neighbour Laila, whom she fears she has neglected, and finds out that Laila has liver cancer. Naila could not assimilate this news, and is physically affected by it. She begins to imagine herself in Laila's stead, she refuses to eat, eventually becoming like an ill person herself. Her friend's condition becomes a curse that she might find difficult to survive.
Adam, naturally, is beside himself with worry, as this happens after they had negotiated the lease of a commercial place near their apartment building, with which Adam planned to put up a business. All the niceties of living left Naila, and the family become even more devout in their worship, trying to find a cure for Naila's malady. She is diagnosed for panic attacks. As Nazia Ali reels off a tale of Muslim life and its many pieties, she invites the question, "What would trouble the fate of the most worshipful and devout of Allah's flock?" With sensitivity and grace, she leads her readers, in the healthy and Halal way, Into the Light from the Darkness.
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About the Author
After attracting a wave of local media attention due to her first published book called Healthy and Halal Choice, Nazia Ali discovered that writing is more than a hobby. It is her passion for health and desire to benefit from her roots that led her to writing. Her book offered readers a glimpse into Ali's practicality of everyday choices related to diet and well-being, while providing delicious fusion-style recipes for a variety of simple everyday meals. Ali quickly went on to become a local health icon in her community, including her neighbouring high school to teach students about the benefits of healthy eating. She inspired many young adults to spend more time in the kitchen and explore the art of cooking. Throughout the book, Ali's depiction of lifestyle choices reflects her own sense of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being that underscores the need to live a balanced life. It is no surprise that Ali's latest publication, Into the Light from the Darkness, embraced this very concept - a riveting novel that explores the trials and tribulations of life as the main character (Naila) transforms herself and finds guidance she sought her entire life.
Into the Light from the Darkness * by Nazia Ali
Publication Date: March 29, 2013
Trade Paperback; £13.99; 187 pages; 978-1-4836-1121-1
Trade Hardback; £23.99; 187 pages; 978-1-4836-1122-8
eBook; £3.99; 978-1-4836-1123-5
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