The first book written by Rodney Allen Marcum and Reylyn Pagalan Marcum - "Mount Zion: City of Habitation" - is a profound meditation on the Holy Scripture.
After studying the Bible for over 34 years while meditating and experiencing a deep communion with God, Rodney formed a deep understanding of the written word of God and how it pertains to daily life.
Rodney's views on the writings of the church are corroborated by substantiating quotes from the Bible. Reading this book will lead readers to a greater understanding of the word of God and to forming a closer relationship with Him.
In the second book, "The Kingdom Coming to Age, Revealed Glory! Here's the Title Deed to the Earth," the authors offer understanding to the humble so they will hear, and give sight to the blind so they will see.
False prophets (Revelations 17:8) lead millions to lose their souls to Satan by preaching captivating lies to the blind, who cannot see the truth. This book is an eye-opener to those believers.
Many want God to conform to their image of Him; however, man doesn't make the standard, he only comes to it. In many religions, followers are obedient to church leaders who put in them at odds with the one true God (Romans 8:29).
True believers must be born again to see the kingdom, because it's on Earth!
"These books are not only insightful, but will make readers review their own religious philosophies in a clearer light," said Robert Fletcher, CEO of Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency.
About the Authors: The fourth of eight children, Rodney Allen Marcum grew up in Washington State. He worked on the Snake and Columbia Rivers as a carpenter rigger. He currently lives in the Philippines, where he spends his time studying the words of God and recording his thoughts with the assistance of his wife Reylyn Pagalan Marcum, who co-authored his books.
MOUNT ZION: CITY OF HABITATION (ISBN: 978-1-61897-985-8) and THE KINGDOM COMING TO AGE, REVEALED GLORY! HERE'S THE TITLE DEED TO THE EARTH (ISBN: 978-1-62212-157-1) are now available for $12.95 each and can be ordered through the publisher's website: or at or
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