The tricks wax hot and humorous in Howard Lentzner's TrunkWax: Delahunt at Large. The novel begins in a pile of wood, or rather, in the small Northern California town of Pylewood, inside a wooden pickle barrel. Howard Lentzner masterfully uses the image as laugh-motif to symbolize guys who are in a pickle with their wives. It is the motive force that sends Lentzner's hero Jim Delahunt halfway around the world and lands him in a series of adventures salty enough to season the dreams of erring husbands all over the world.
Lentzner, in portraying a husband trapped by his wife (Terciley O'Malley) at the bottom of a ten-thousand-gallon pickle barrel, has him opt for vengeance and foreign travel rather than local venues and the bosoms of domestic hotties. Employing tricks acquired from over fifty years of experience as a merchant seaman, machinist, and cattle rancher, Delahunt frees himself and hooks up with two disgruntled pals: a broke cowboy with two bad knees (Bill Robeiro) and a cantankerous organic farmer (Hrubel Kwasnik). On a different tack, some punters could speculate that Trunk Wax dishes out enough comic moxie to vie for the honor of being made-for-Hollywood comic novel of the year. People, anyway, can dream.
In the meantime, the three friends hatch and get entangled in a plot aimed at financing Delahunt's craving for revenge - the cowboy's double knee replacement, and the commercialization of TrunkWax, the microbial concoction that the farmer believes will revolutionize fruit cultivation. When Delahunt's part of the plan takes him to China, he gets kidnapped in Inner Mongolia by a confused Manchurian ex-cop. He is subsequently rescued by a group of international polo players, flown back to the United States, and reunited with his wife. Over breakfast (eggs, fried bread, home-cured bacon-no pickles in sight), they both realize his incarceration in the barrel was pretty much the result of poor marital communication. Amen. (Readers shall definitely want to hear more of Delahunt's adventures after this ten-thousand-gallon laugh-barrel of a book.)
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About the Author
Howard Lentzner is a slowly improving writer whose first novel, "NuFoam: The Bubbles' Might," lost him many old friends. He hopes to win some of them back with this his second novel. Over the years, he has been a welder's helper, scientist, editor, librarian, and cattle rancher in private business, government and academia. He currently resides in Brentwood, California, where he writes, paints, and rides herd on a few chickens.
TrunkWax * by Howard Lentzner
Delahunt at Large
Publication Date: August 28, 2013
Trade Paperback; $19.99; 306 pages; 978-1-4836-8121-4
Trade Hardback; $29.99; 306 pages; 978-1-4836-8122-1
eBook; $3.99; 978-1-4836-8123-8
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