Utilizing the imaginations of young girls, author and mother Holly Dean tells a thrilling adventure that unravels the quintessence of love, friendship and family in her new book "The Australian Tooth Fairy" (published by Trafford Publishing).
When Layla and Ivy go into an underground cave in Australia with their mother, they find themselves on an adventure that leads them to the discovery of the tooth fairy's home. On their journey, Layla has a wobbly tooth that falls out, which adds an interactive element to the book as Dean encourages young readers to find the Tooth fairy on every page.
"The Australian Tooth Fairy" is sure to appeal to young readers about to lose their first tooth, as well as other children who have already lost a few.
"Most children think the tooth fairy will bring them money," Dean states. "My book presents the idea that the tooth fairy can give things other than money to be kept rather than spent."
"The Australian Tooth Fairy"
By Holly Dean
Softcover | 8.5 x 11 in | 32 pages | ISBN 9781466973589
E-Book | 32 pages | ISBN 9781466973596
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Holly Dean is a mother of four children. She has a degree in child psychology and has taught kindergarten gym class. Dean works as a remedial therapist and lives in Wagga Wagga, Australia. She has always enjoyed writing as a form of expression.
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