Los Angeles
According to author and practicing energy healer, Hoberleigh Phreigh, many consider energy healing to be a nonsensical practice, or "quackery." Phreigh had a similar thought about the practice, which, oddly enough, prompted her to pursue energy healing. In her new book, "The SuperQuack: Stories of Healing from Out of Left Field" (published by Balboa Press), Phreigh discusses how she came to be an energy healer and shares many of her experiences and stories.
"The SuperQuack" begins by explaining how Phreigh, a former nonbeliever of energy healing, came to not only believe in the practice, but pursue it as a profession. Phreigh then moves on to an in-depth look at her numerous energy healing success stories and case studies.
"This book is the story of my journey from a cold skeptic, to a curious explorer, to a believer with such passion that I have made energy healing my life's work," Phreigh says. "The accounts range from my introduction to energy work and my personal experiences beyond the physical senses to sharing information from sessions with clients using energy in the body, and in the mind, to relieve disease."
Phreigh is hopeful that her book will enlighten readers on energy healing and open their minds to alternative healing possibilities.
"The SuperQuack"
By Hoberleigh Phreigh
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 158 pages | ISBN 9781452581217
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5 in | 158 pages | ISBN 9781452581194
E-Book | ISBN 9781452581200
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Hoberleigh Phreigh began her journey in energetic healing work more than 25 years ago. First learning reiki, she later earned her master's degree in Oriental medicine and practiced acupuncture. Continuing her studies in bio-energetic techniques, she eventually developed her own method to release patterns of disease without needles.
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