Captain Horn, a chaplain who may be at heart a warrior like the Marines with whom he served with in Iraq , puts the hard reality he perceives on the pages of his book. He identifies troops, often a sizable number of those in elite military organizations like the Marines, who are instinctively driven to wage war without reservation. They serve to kill in the process, yet are often called to account by the nation that sends them into the fires of war.
The makeup of the warrior and the driving force that propels them to kill as a natural act is also examined. The author captures the warriors of history and the cultures in which they lived and protected; cultures in which killing was accepted and understood as a natural part of the human condition.
Captain Horn also turns his attention to those who send the warriors into combat zones but have little understanding of the consequences to the "hearts, minds and souls" of the warriors and their less aggressive comrades who suffer too, the damage to spirit, body and brain.
As there are consequences to every act, that of war affects the troops, and their brains capture the moments and it never allows them to forget the deformation and desecration of life which they wrought or to which they bore witness. With this book, Dwight Horn may stir the national conscience
"Emasculation Warriors" will be published in both print and electronically November 27, 2018 and will be distributed nationally and internationally to markets worldwide.
Author Dwight Horn resides with his wife and family in Vista, California.