The novel examines life in Germany during World War I and prior to World War II through the eyes of protagonist Yehuda Roitmentz - a young, Jewish clothing factory owner who grew up in Altona, Germany. As the Nazis come to power in his country, Yehuda attempts to disrupt the party's activities by way of joining a resistance group, ultimately landing himself in a concentration camp.
"This book is based on a true story," said Rothman. "It is a tribute to my parents and their lives in both Nazi Germany and as immigrants in America."
"Journey to Freedom" explores themes of bravery and love in a time of violence and darkness.
"Journey to Freedom"
By Herb Rothman
ISBN: 9781480848009 (paperback); 9781480845732 (softcover); 9781480845749 (hardcover); 9781480845756 (eBook)
Available at the Archway Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the author
Herb Rothman published a group of community newspapers in New York City after leaving the U.S. Air Force, winning more than 150 national and local awards for outstanding journalism. For the past quarter century, he has been President and CEO of American Talent Management. Rothman lives in the Gramercy Park section of New York City with his wife of 45 years. To learn more, please visit
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