Carlsbad, N. M.
Author Helen Kurtenbach Furr wants to document her ancestry and the related happenings of bygone days. She made this happen with her debut publication, "Homesteading and Moving On," (published by Xlibris) an absorbing account of second-generation German immigrants who remained in rather than left Depression-era South Dakota despite bleak prospects for their late-19th century homestead.
"Homesteading and Moving On" conveys one woman's memory of how, in its modest, devoted way, her family surmounted obstacles and, over nine decades, flourished nationwide, bolstered by faith, love and mutual respect. Furr's recollections of her rural prairie childhood and subsequent travels throughout America demonstrate how documenting well-lived lives creates linkage and tribute. She wants future family generations to know their heritage and she hopes they will recognize why understanding and appreciation are so important.
Through Furr's recounting of time long past, the book is able to reflect the age-old theme of hard work with a goal of improving man's life. "Homesteading and Moving On" also gives some historical context to the modern American family experience having origins in the Midwest but extending beyond as well. Realistic and communicative, this narrative provides readers a better understanding of life without modern conveniences and portrays the idea of saying "If it is to be, it is up to me."
"Homesteading and Moving On"
By Helen Kurtenbach Furr
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 290 pages | ISBN 9781503561502
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 290 pages | ISBN 9781503561519
E-Book | 290 pages | ISBN 9781503561526
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Helen Kurtenbach Furr was born in 1929 and grew up in the farming community of Dimock, South Dakota, in the southeastern corner of the state. She married Allan "Doc" Furr in 1950, and they had two children. During Doc's career as a veterinarian in private practice and as a US government employee, the family moved across the United States-from north to south and west to east-a total of 16 times in 35 years. Doc died in 2004. Furr now resides in a retirement village in Carlsbad. "Homesteading and Moving On" is her first book.
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