Staff members at Watkins Books, London's oldest spiritual and esoteric bookshop in the world, have been known for their ability to select outstanding books that will stand the test of time. Stephen Gawtry, former manager at Watkins, predicted that Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now" had the potential to become a best-seller. More recently, it was the current manager's turn to prophesy. Ricky James stated in no uncertain terms that "Selfless Self" is here to stay.
In Watkins magazine, "Pick of the Day," Ricky wrote: "Selfless Self will - without doubt - become a 'Direct Way' classic. If you have a copy of 'I Am That' by Nisargadatta Maharaj on your shelf then this more than deserves a place next to it. The author spent 19 years in 'physical proximity' with his Guru and these talks have not been filtered through a translator as they were spoken in English. Written by Selfless Self for Selfless Self. Page after page, this book hits you straight between the eyes." Endorsements for this book continue to grow. So what is it that makes "Selfless Self" stand out? The editor, Ann Shaw, had this to say: "This book, written in plain language, vibrates with the power of Self-Realized Master, Shri Ramakant Maharaj, who speaks from 'Thoughtless Reality'. This means that in over 400 pages, the flow of 'Spontaneous, Direct Knowledge' is transmitted to the reader. This constant hammering of Reality has the effect of spontaneous Self-recognition that awakens aspirants from the illusory dream that we call life."Videos