Steam Boat Springs, Colo.
Nineteen-year-old author Harrison Smith debuts into the world of suspense fiction with "Ghost" (published by Xlibris), a steam-gushing thriller about a motley gang who takes upon a mission of disclosing a dangerous secret of the US government.
The year is 2019 in Mirror City, a man-made island off the coast of Georgia. Jax Kourt, along with the few surviving members of his former Bloodrunner gang, discover that the most popular president in United States history is a deep cover terrorist set on reshaping the world the way he sees fit. Fresh off a five-year prison sentence for armed robbery and seeing an opportunity for one last score before retiring from the streets, Jax and his split personality alter ego ghost, along with the remains of his former gang strike a deal with a D.O.D. agent who believes their story to expose the president for what he is in exchange for clean records. He and the rest of his friends will be forced to battle the mob, the United States government, a phantom terrorist organization, along with demons from their past that still haunt them if they are to come out on top. Jax has never been one to do anything unless it involves a big payday or protecting the ones he loves but soon realizes he has undertaken a project that will push him and his team to their physical, mental and emotional limits and well beyond to stand for something far greater than money or power.
Filled with riveting suspense and clever character maneuver, "Ghost" provides nothing short of speculative twists. The young author pens with the dexterity of a seasoned raconteur, doing away with bland clichés and oft-repeated suspense plots. The leery nature of the novel encourages readers to be vigilant and discriminate in embracing propaganda that the government and any other broad institutions tell them to believe.
By Harrison Smith
Hardcover | 6x9in | 242 pages | ISBN 9781499074956
Softcover | 6x9in | 242 pages | ISBN 9781499074963
E-Book | 242 pages | ISBN 9781499074970
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Harrison Smith is a 19-year-old author, originally from the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia and now lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. He is currently studying abroad for a year in Valencia, Spain before returning to the United States to attend Florida State University to pursue a degree in mass communications and sports journalism.
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