Coeur d'Alene, ID
Climatologist Cliff Harris of Harris-Mann Climatology, presents a new book that describes the scientific and spiritual approaches as to how the weather has played a major role in the Bible. The book is titled,"Weather and Bible Prophecy (What Was...What Is...And What's To Come)."
By combining his knowledge of weather and theology, Cliff Harris has produced "a well-written, thoroughly documented and unique look at Scripture," according to Meteorologist Tom Loffman. The 176-page book takes an abbreviated trip through the Bible from the Pre-Adamic era, which includes the Young Earth Concept with the dinosaurs, to the heavenly New Jerusalem. The book also describes how the weather influenced major Biblical events such as the Great Flood, the Fall of Jericho, several major droughts and other related historical occurrences over thousands of years.
"Weather and Bible Prophecy" also features many future prophecies of the Bible and the fascinating effects of many long and short-term cultural and weather cycles that are expected to collide by no later than 2038. Harris points out that the "upcoming collisions may lead to great challenges for Mankind."
Colorized charts and original artwork are included to better understand the historical and upcoming weather cycles. According to Harris, "based on the evidence, there is a correlation between the Bible and these weather cycles."
He adds, "despite the forecasts of near-term additional warming, we should briefly head towards a much colder period around 2020 before turning much hotter and drier again worldwide by 2031 to 2038."
The book is presented in a style that is more readable to the younger and older audiences. According to Harris, "I wrote the book with the intention of trying to bolster a young person's faith before they enter college or the work force." Cathy Sims, a Biblical researcher from the John Ankerberg Show, has assisted with this project by providing research material and supports the book's intention of reaching younger audiences.
Since its release in early April, hundreds of copies have already been sold and Mr. Harris's long-range weather forecasts and book have already been featured on numerous radio programs, including KDAV, the TruNews Network and others. Some readers have stated that "after reading the book, you'll fully understand what was, what is, and what's to come, weatherwise and otherwise, especially concerning the End Times."
As co-owner of Harris-Mann Climatology, Cliff Harris has provided a daily weather and commodity advisory service for nearly 25 years. It specializes in providing state of the art short and long-range weather analysis that is applied toward crop planning and commodity trading.
The book is available in soft cover format and electronic version on Amazon. For more information on "Weather and Bible Prophecy," long-range weather forecasts, or contacting Cliff Harris, one can visit their website.