Destiny Image and senior pastor at Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha, NE, Hank Kunneman, set to release new book, "My Heart Cries Abba," this month.
In his newest release, Kunneman helps readers to better understand the powerful relationship with God, which is made available through Jesus.
"Through His life and ministry, Jesus revealed Father God to humanity. Because of what He accomplished on the cross, now it's possible for everyone to cry out, 'Abba, Father,'" said Kunneman. "While Jesus walked the Earth, he was a perfect example of what intimacy with the Heavenly Father would look like for every believer throughout the ages."
In his book, Kunneman hopes to shine light on how readers can have a more personal and intimate relationship with God.
"Jesus modeled intimacy with God because He knew, one day, you too would be able to experience this same life-transforming relationship. Get ready to know and encounter the Father like never before!" Kunneman said.
Review copies are available upon request.
Kunneman is senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, NE, and founder of One Voice Ministries. He travels and ministers extensively with his wife, Brenda, at conferences, churches and national television programs throughout the United States and overseas. He has authored several books including, "Don't Leave God Alone" and "Barrier Breakers." The Kunneman's also have their own program, "God on a New Level," which as well as their church services, is watched worldwide.
Destiny Image, located in Shippensburg, Pa, was founded in 1983 by Pastor Don Nori, Sr. It seeks to accurately represent authors who have a call to share God's present word to His people and to make these authors easily accessible to the Christian body around the world in every form of media possible.
For press inquiries, interviews and review copies:
Kristen Adams
(717) 532-3040, Ext. 135