A unique and exciting friendship has been established by a small dog and a large cat in "Hobbes and Sam." This delightful book by author Rick Taylor follows a very small dog and a very large cat that met by accident and became close friends because of the dog's fearlessness and her willingness to accept the cat as a friend. Eventually, they will care for each other while working as a team to protect each other and the human family with whom they live. Their adventures will expose them to the dangers of the forest, where they help a turtle and chase away a coyote which was about to attack a rabbit. Later, when Sam and her family go camping, Sam becomes a hero by rescuing a small boy who got lost in the woods. At home, Sam and Hobbes carry out a plan to stop a neighborhood burglar who breaks into their house.
Young children can relate to stories about animals. Parents will appreciate the lessons in the importance of friendship, compassion and courage the stories deliver. "Hobbes and Sam" delivers a deeper understanding of what it means to be a friend and to care for others, on a level which young children can understand, while also capturing their interest. Taylor would like children to be entertained by the stories and become interested in reading but also to appreciate the value of helping others.
"Hobbes and Sam" entertains young children and teaches them the importance of friendship, loyalty and courage. It can be read by children, or read by the parents of children too young to read.
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About the Author
Rick Taylor is a retired real estate attorney who has embarked on a second career as a children's book writer. He lives with his wife, a beagle and a large cat which is the model for Hobbes the cat in Hobbes and Sam. The Taylors have a grown son and daughter, two teenage grandsons and three young granddaughters. He entertained his two grandsons with stories about the dog and cat for several years when they were younger. Hobbes and Sam is a compilation of new stories initially developed for the granddaughters.
Hobbes and Sam * by Rick Taylor
Publication Date: March 17, 2014
Trade Paperback; $21.99; 42 pages; 9781493184354
e-book; $3.99; 9781493184378
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