Aimed at tackling the high number of failed business and digital transformation projects, that Heath as a veteran Business Architect who has helped clients from Startups and FTSE-200 corporations to Central Government and Public Sector, is called into rescue. The Business Transformation Playbook is the step by step guide for every Executive, Entrepreneur, Change Consultant and Project Manager looking for practical, actionable steps to transform their organisation in this digital dominated world.
Unlike existing methods and frameworks that originated out of technology standards and are waterfall in implementation, Heath developed the agile HOBA® (House of Business Architecture®) framework for business transformation, over 15+ years helping clients with their business and digital transformations. HOBA® is the world's first Business-led business transformation framework, aligned with industry best practices, which was designed and developed with the Business, for the Business, to be used by and owned by the Business, putting the control back into the Business' hands.
Author, Entrepreneur, Business Transformator® and Founder of HOBA TECH®, Heath Gascoigne shares his framework HOBA® (House of Business Architecture®), helpful tips and guidelines on how Start-up enterprises, big Banks and Government agencies have used HOBA® to Implement their Target Operating Model (TOM) and achieve a zero percent fail rate using the HOBA® 6-Step agile framework.
Released over the first weekend of February and quickly hitting #1 best-seller spot in two categories - Project Management, and Decision-Making & Problem-Solving and #2 in Consulting, receiving an average 5-Star rating with 30+ glowing reviews, including this review:
"This is an example of Business Transformation in action. This book will help cut through the hype of what is and what isn't business transformation. Finally, a practical guide, based on a straight-forward easy to follow, and therefore easy to implement 6-Step process, written by a practitioner who is in the trenches, sharing his experiences and lessons, so you don't make the same mistakes 70% of business transformations make, failure! A must read for anyone embarking on a business transformation." –
Laura Hill (Amazon review).
When asked of the book's success on the first day, Heath said, "It is an honour and a privilege for the book to be received so well. It is testament to what I am seeing on a day-to-day basis with business transformation these days. People and organisations are keen for change but are lost in how to do it. Existing frameworks were either designed for Technology changes not Business changes, or the people leading the change come from a technology background who look at business problems from a technology perspective, thinking every problem needs to be solved by technology, which is not often the case. These factors combined have been leading contributors into the unacceptably high 70% failure rate of business and digital transformation projects. The idea behind finally making HOBA® public after all these years using it with my clients and publishing it in The Business Transformation Playbook, is to give the Business the voice they are missing and the tools they need to take back control from Technology and take control of their transformation, and their business' future."
The printed version (available shortly in Hardcopy and Paperback, and Audio book soon after) features 370 pages, 200 tables & diagram, is A4 (landscape) size and is in full colour.
The Kindle edition, available now has active internal hyperlinks throughout the book making it an easy to read and navigate. The book is well referenced, citing and linking to external sources referenced throughout. The Kindle edition also has enabled features such as word wise, supported screen reader, enhanced typesetting, page flip and text to speech. The word wise feature helps readers to spend more time reading by providing hints to see the dictionary definition of more challenging words.
In The Business Transformation Playbook, readers will learn:
· The five Business Architecture challenges that Business Architecture, Business Architects and Business Transformators face today, and how HOBA® solves them;
· An agile framework that develops the Target State Architecture and Target Operating Model (TOM) in an iterative or incremental fashion;
· The framework that aligns the Business to the Business Strategy.
· A framework that covers all aspects and questions asked of the business – from the Why, Who, What, Where, How and When?, and
· Reference Models that address the organization's strategic concerns, Building Blocks that address the operational concerns, and Blueprints that address the implementation concerns, all covered here, plus more.
HOBA TECH Ltd (HOBA TECH®) is a business transformation solutions company that provides end-to-end business transformation tools and software to businesses looking to transform their business model, reduce waste, change debt and earn more revenue.
About the Author
Heath Gascoigne is an Author, Entrepreneur, Business Architect and a self-described Business Transformator®. He is the Founder & CEO of HOBA TECH®, a business transformation solutions company that helps businesses adapt and thrive by applying a Target Operating Model (TOM) and guiding businesses through transformation programmes, and author of The Business Transformation Playbook.
In his spare time, Heath gives back to the community and mentors underprivileged high school children, junior professionals as well as new business startups.
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