MELBOURNE, Australia
Author Gregory Paul Broadbent explores the rich culture of Australia and Lebanon with his publication, "By the Obsidian Sea." This book tells the story of Jean Ray, an Australian who married into a Lebanese family. Through his eyes, readers will observe all the pitfalls and beauties of marrying the Lebanese way with the Australian cultural landscape. This book is also the fruit of the author's desire to document the problems of assimilation for the new generation of Lebanese children who were born from immigrant parents.
"By the Obsidian Sea" is a book about journeys - the journey of love, the journey of immigrants and their children as they assimilate into Australian culture, and the physical journey of the narrator through Australia and Lebanon to discover the similitude and differences between the two cultures. It chronicles the life of Jean Ray, an Australian who is married to Mary. The latter is the daughter of Zeus and Justine, immigrants who came from Lebanon in the 70s. Their story merges two cultures together and let readers delve deeper and understand the better.
"As a part biography it posits the questions of assimilation from the perspective of someone living within the outside culture but who has come from within the Australian culture," Broadbent says. "It's different because it attempts to see the conditions of the outside culture with understanding and critical awareness rather than from the predominant politically correct Australian point of reference."
"By the Obsidian Sea" is a literary tour-de-force and will interest people who enjoy popular culture, cultural analysis and social/political content as well as those who like to read about descriptions of real life experience.
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About the Author
Gregory Broadbent lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and two children. He is now 48 and has been writing since he was 17. He has self-published other works but this is his first novel. He works in a small book shop in Melbourne where he does counseling, healing and massage for whoever needs it. He is planning many other works and currently writing a book concerning the tarot cards.
By the Obsidian Sea * by Gregory Paul Broadbent
Publication Date: March 6, 2014
Trade Paperback; AU$29.99; 290 pages; 9781493132263
e-book; AU$4.25; 9781493132256
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