"A Horse Goes to the Store" is the first book in the Johnny Bob Adventures Series. Featuring 26 colorful pages, the narrative introduces readers to Dusty-a lovable farm horse who lives on Farmer Bill Green's farm. Dusty is usually a happy horse. However, on this one particular day, he realizes his shoes are far too small and they're causing him extreme pain.
He decides to embark on a shopping trip so that he can purchase new shoes that fit, as well as apples, carrots and the special treat of SnickerPoodles. Unfortunately, things do not go as planned when Dusty and Johnny Bob meet at the store and, instead, chaos erupts.
"When Johnny Bob saw a beautiful portrait of a horse while at the store, he immediately started building a story around the character of Dusty," Buckmier said. "I added in my own experiences of life on a rural farm, and A Horse Goes to the Store naturally came to life."
"A Horse Goes to the Store"
By Glenda Buckmier
ISBN: 9781480845770 (hardcover) 9781480845763 (softcover) 9781480845787 (ebook)
Available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Archway Publishing
About the author
Glenda Buckmier writes Johnny Bob Adventures from the creative mind of master storyteller, Johnny Bob, who is six-years old. "A Horse Goes to the Store" is the first of her series. She is the proud grandmother of John Robert, aka Johnny Bob. Buckmier currently lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
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