"Believe it or not the solution to any type of money problem isn't more money. The solution is to increase your financial intelligence." Says Glenn Davis, Author and Financial Entrepreneur. He says success seldom results from following conventional wisdom. If it did, then we'd all be rich. He believes your wealth, health and happiness all result from your current financial intelligence. And he is on a mission to teach middle America about the financial strategies of the ultra .001 wealthy.
After experiencing financial failure himself, Glenn realized that he needed to make some changes if he was going to succeed and learn these little known strategies. He figured out how to become financially successful and is now on a mission to help others live extraordinary lives with the help of his tried and tested strategy.
Glenn's book, Mission: True Freedom, teaches readers the lessons that Glenn learned from experience, millionaire and billionaire mentors, and also his tenure at one of Washington D.C.'s most prestigious financial planning firms. He makes sure readers know that they will not need just a business plan to be successful, but they will also need a solid financial plan in their lives.
Realizing that he had more advice to give, Glenn did not stop with just his book. He went on to develop a webinar that allows him to teach people his 8 steps to financial freedom. The steps listed are:
1. Design Your Life, Set Goals and Adopt a Wealth Mindset
2. Optimize Your Current Cash Flow (organize, automate, efficiency, pay yourself first)
3. Protect Your Financial World With Proper Insurance (Risk Management)
4. Debt Reduction (two proven methods)
5. Automated Investing Plan (beat 96% of all pro money managers with this plan)
6. Incense Your Income Via Tax Efficiency
7. Become Your Own Banker (and never pay interest again!)
8. Get a Mentor!
In his webinars, Glenn goes over these 8 steps and expands on them, giving people all of the information that they will need to find success in their financial lives, as well as in many other areas. They are held every day at 10am, 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm EST. Those interested can register to be a part of the webinars at MissionTrueFreedom.com/Webinar.
Glenn Davis
Glenn Davis, Jr. is a life long entrepreneur, fitness advocate, business builder, and financial strategist. He's an ordinary guy that touts his best financial schooling wasn't his time spent building businesses or at his financial planning firm, it was all of the mistakes he made along the way to financial freedom!