Many people understand what it is to work constantly and barely make ends meet. Glenn Davis, Jr. is one of these people. He spent years working long hours and putting aside his desire for freedom and travel before being hit hard by the recession. Where many people may have given up, Davis became a student of financial information, learning facts, expert opinions, and various philosophies until he formed a plan that worked for him. He desperately wanted to know why it was so hard to get ahead financially these days. Now, he's sharing that plan in his new book, Mission: True Freedom, which will be launched by Next Century Publishing in February.
Glenn Davis, Jr. implemented the plan and managed to turn his financial situation around, gaining the freedom he had desired all along. "I'm in a sense starting a 'revolution' because the so-called experts haven't really done us any good. America is more in debt and struggling more than ever before, and we have more "experts" now than we had at any other time."
Mission: True Freedom takes the road to financial independence and breaks it down into a 12 week program. This program takes the reader through 4 assignments, which include 8 objectives, totaling 21 tasks (of course it is a "secret agent" "mission impossible" theme). Davis aims to evoke a James Bond with his diction; after all, no mission could have higher stakes than one's financial independence. The ability to break free of financial burden and begin truly living life is, perhaps, the most worthy objective imaginable.
Glenn Davis, Jr.'s own mission is a simple one: "I want to help other people who are just like me live the extraordinary lives they deserve." He has taken all the little-known pieces of information he has collected and compiled them for others in Mission: True Freedom so others may implement his successful plan for getting out of debt and getting ahead financially, once and for all.
Glenn Davis
Glenn Davis, Jr. is a life long entrepreneur, fitness advocate, business builder, and financial strategist. He's an ordinary guy that touts his best financial schooling wasn't his time spent building businesses or at his financial planning firm, it was all of the mistakes he made along the way to financial freedom!